Editorial Policy

A lot of content has been published daily on TheFoodXP. So, this is how we check the quality of our menu prices, recipes and information articles daily.

Our Original Content Process

The content that we produce is original content and all topics are determined by our staff at TheFoodXP. Our content may link to other reliable sources, including food experts and professionals.

Every original article is reviewed by our editorial staff. The content will be produced in accordance with our Original Content Process and no third party will have any control over the content. Third parties may receive the attribution [“About the Author”] at their request on our editorial content. This attribution is not intended to reflect any change in the editorial nature of the content.

Each completed article to be published is reviewed by and approved by the TheFoodXP. The article is next reviewed by an Editorial editor who edits it for style, flow, punctuation, and readability. Finally, the article moves from editing to publishing to the site. TheFoodXP may publish sponsored content as deemed appropriate and we will only accept sponsored content which is congruent with other content on our website.

How We Update and Verify Our Content

1. Recipes

Our top priority is the content’s accuracy to our readers. To keep a consistent check on the same, we have a professional chef working with us from our office. Chef Jasbir ensures that every recipe on the website has the right ingredients, instructions and relevant information.

Before our writers start to write any new recipe, he’s the one who shares their cooking experience about the recipe that our writers can include in the content.

After our writers write the full recipes, Jasbir is the one again who reviews them and make makes sure that none of the information in the recipe is incorrect.

This way, our readers can completely rely on us to get recipes that are easy to comprehend and follow. You can explore the recipe section on our website to discover a variety of categories.

2. Menu and Prices

人总是想寻找菜单价格know the latest edition, up to the previous minute. That’s not a problem for us, for we hate outdated content as much as our readers.

Since day 1, the restaurants’ section has been the most important category for TheFoodXP

Our team of dedicatedresearchers and updaterskeeps a keen eye on all the restaurants to present you with the latest updates in any of their menu prices. Unlike most of our competitors, who have outdated menu prices or use some sort of automated software or plugins to update prices, we have a dedicated team of humans who are just there to make sure that all of the menus and prices are 100% accurate.

Our team also makes sure you never miss any special menus. All of this research ensures that you are given the most authentic and latest information on all your favorite and famous restaurants, cafes, and eateries. Explore our website to make it your cheat sheet for all things food!

3. How We Keep Our Informational Content Up To Date

Writing content is one thing but keeping it fresh and up-to-date with the ever-changing trends is another story. Well, we have it covered.

Besides menu prices or recipes, we have informational content like Substitutes, What Does A Particular Food Taste Like, A VS B Food and many other informational topics like this. Because we tend to produce a lot of food content for our readers, we have little gnomes at work tinkering with our website.

I am talking about our team of dedicated people who work night and day to keep our website’s content as fresh as sunrise. We go through every article every 6 to 12 months and update the content keeping the latest trends and quality guidelines in mind.

持续的维护和定期质量检查存在ure that our readers are being served the best food content. Explore our website for your daily dose of the latest food content and news!
